LIFE GROWTH 365 Presents


Do you want to Schedule Messages on Whatsapp for your family, friends, or others?

Schedule Whatever you want to send to anyone at any time!!!

It may be a birthday or anniversary wish, some important reminder to do, or anything.

Don't miss out on any of the special or important things to share with anyone you want.

register now to get Web Scheduler at Discounted Price!!!

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Why SMART SCHEDULE is your Best Buddy?

Below are some of the ways that our Smart Schedule Saves you:

Smart Schedule is your life saver!!!

Busy In Your Work? 

Not Able To Text Your People Properly?

Schedule your lovable messages to your loved ones! 

Texting your favorite people even when you’re busy

Staying in touch with your circle of Friends is Now Easy & Simple!

schedule them messages for the whole week/month/for anytime

Stay Busy as well Stay in Touch! it is that easy now.

New Mega Movement

life Growth - 365

Designed By Millionaire Magesh

Millionaire Magesh has 22 years of Software Experience and is the founder of Life Growth 365,  Read365Books, WhatsApp Automation and MindMechanic24x7 in the Coaching sector.

He has worked with many mentors over the last two years who made him realize the importance of having someone to guide you towards the fulfillment of your life’s purpose and give you clarity and consistent advice for the right action.

He Introduced the Life Growth-365 Mega Movement to help you to come out of your personal and professional struggles and transform your lives.


Most frequent questions and answers

The session will be held on 3rd September 2022 from 7pm onwards.

The session will be LIVE and interactive so participants can ask questions and get their doubts cleared.

The 2 hours Transformation session is FREE

This program gives you a connection between your inner being which is called as Soul. It brings you an accurate clarity on the perception you see life. You will get a clarity of vision and confidence by understanding the inner you. you will see life the way it is and you will steadily walkthrough every day of it without stumbling.

Because we are adjusting towards the New Normal. Right now the world is about getting everything online/remote. Modern Technology development caused many changes in the current era. If people can shop, teach/learn online, you not Transform your Life online? Internet is the easiest medium to reach a large sum of people. Doing this online helps the society to Transform the Life from the comfort of their home.

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