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99% people Built Skill for doing a Job through Traditional Education (Schools/Colleges), but not learnt DEPTH about Personal Development like Mindset, Health, Relationship which needs for Day to Day Life.

Open Your Higher Dimensional World And Discover The Ideas You Never Knew, Explore Areas You’ve Never Heard Of, And Uncover The Life You’ve Never Dreamed Of.

100% Life Transformation

Identify Your Life Purpose – Become Smarter, Creative And 10X Your Family Growth​

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1% - Foundation (Read 365 Books) 99% - Life Transformation (9 Programs) ​​


1. Productivity Made Simple

Prioritize tasks, set clear goals, & eliminate distractions to enhance productivity.

Use time wisely by breaking tasks into manageable steps and taking strategic breaks. Cultivate a work-life balance to sustain long-term efficiency and well-being.

What you will get:

a. 36+ books summaries to solve your productivity problems
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

2. Identify Life Purpose & Create a Blueprint

Reflect on your passions & values, seeking activities that bring you joy and align with what truly matters to you.

Consider how your unique skills & interests can contribute positively to the world, shaping a purpose that resonates with your core values.

What you will get:

a. 24+ books summaries to solve your life purpose problem
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

3. Wealth Attraction Secrets

Cultivate a mindset of abundance & focus on creating value; wealth often follows as a natural byproduct of providing solutions and contributing positively to others.

Consistent, disciplined financial habits, such as saving and investing wisely, play a crucial role in attracting and building lasting wealth.

What you will get:

a. 44+ books summaries to solve your wealth problem
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

4. Quick Promotion & Big Hike

Demonstrate exceptional dedication & results in your current role, showcasing your value to the organization.

Proactively seek additional responsibilities, collaborate effectively, and communicate achievements to position yourself for a quick promotion and a substantial salary hike.

What you will get:

a. 34+ books summaries for your quick promotion & big hike
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

5. Angry is avoiding you

Cultivate emotional awareness, recognizing triggers, & take deliberate pauses in conversations to cool off.

Prioritize open communication and empathy, fostering an environment that reduces tension and promotes understanding.

What you will get:

a. 36+ books summaries to avoid angry
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

6. Live Peaceful Life (No More Fear)

Embrace simplicity, practice gratitude, & let go of unnecessary worries to foster a peaceful life.

Cultivate positive relationships, prioritize self-care, & find joy in the present moment for a more serene & balanced existence.

What you will get:

a. 36+ books summaries to live peaceful life
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

7. No More Procrastinate

Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps & set realistic deadlines to overcome procrastination.

Prioritize starting a task over perfection, fostering a proactive mindset and sustained productivity.

What you will get:

a. 36+ books summaries to stop your procrastination
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

8. Really Easy Relationship with Family, Anyone

Prioritize open communication & active listening to create an easygoing relationship.

Show empathy, appreciate differences, & find common ground for a harmonious connection.

What you will get:

a. 36+ books summaries for your easy relationship
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

9. Time management is life management

Set clear priorities and use time blocking to allocate focused periods for tasks, enhancing overall time management efficiency.

Regularly review & adjust your schedule, ensuring alignment with goals and optimal productivity.

What you will get:

a. 36+ books summaries to solve your time management problem
b. 9hrs+ videos (3 to 9mins byte-sized videos)
c. downloadable pdfs for action taking.

Are you action taker?

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..


Daily1Book - 365Books 365 Days (Audio/Video)

R365 Daily1Book - Audio | Video
Daily 1 Book - 365Books 365 Days

Get Core Ideas Of A Book

Transform your Personal and Professional Life By Reading Books
without spending hours and hours together

Receive 7 parts, daily on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format.

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

Weekly1Book - 52Books 52Weeks (Audio/Video)

R365 Weekly1Book - Audio | Video
Weekly 1 Book - 52Books 52Weeks

Learn In-Depth Concepts In 52 Bonus Books

Transform your Personal and Professional Life By Reading Books
without spending hours and hours together

Receive 7 parts, daily on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format.

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

Religious 365 (Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Quran) - Audio, Video

Bhagavad Gita 365 - Audio | Video

Embrace The Profound Teachings Of Bhagavad Gita In Concise Lessons

Daily – 7parts (Audio / Video)
 on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format.

Video @₹7,999/- ₹3,999/-
Audio @ ₹6,999/- ₹2,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

Bible 365 - Audio | Video

Bible Is A Guide For Leading A Happy Life.

In Other Words, It Acts As A Manual For Leading A Meaningful Life.

Daily – 7parts (Audio / Video) on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format.

Every Day, We Should Read The Bible.

Quran 365 - Audio | Video

Set Your Priorities, Find Inner Peace, and Attain Better Life by Reading Quran in Text + Audio / Video format

The Quran illustrates exactly where we can find happiness

Daily – 7parts (Audio / Video) on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format.

Mind Mechanic 24x7 - LIVE Coaching

Mind Mechanic 24x7 (Any Life Problem)

Re-Design Your Mind Structure To Handle Any Life Issues
Using Mind Mechanic 24×7 Blueprint

Learn this one secret-weapon which can help YOU solve any life problems in a matter of seconds. [With NO hard work, NO stress and NO confusion]

For more details, click below

Silver @ ₹7,999/- ₹4,999/-
Gold @ ₹19,999/- ₹14,999/-
Diamond @ ₹99,999/- ₹69,999/-
Sound Healing @ ₹9,999/- ₹6,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

MoneyFlow Manifestation 90Days

An accountability group is a gathering of people who share their goals and support each other in reaching them.

The group meets regularly to share their goals for the next week, to report on their progress from the week before, and to offer support to other members.

Are you action taker?

Gold @ ₹19,999/- ₹14,999/-

special offer expiring soon..

BSM (WhatsApp Automation Tool)

BSM Personal (WhatsApp Automation)

Do You Want To Schedule Messages On Whatsapp For Your Family, Friends, Or Others?

Schedule Whatever You Want To Send To Anyone At Any Time!!!

It May Be A Birthday Or Anniversary Wish, Some Important Reminder To Do, Or Anything.

Don’t Miss Out On Any Of The Special Or Important Things To Share With Anyone You Want.

₹499 /- ₹99/-

special offer expiring soon..

Beyond Books 365 (CEO, Spiritual, Motivational) - Audio, Video

CEO 365 - Audio | Video

World Famous CEO’s Series (Ex: Elon musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, etc..) – 1 Series for 2 Weeks.. like that 365 days.

* Tim Cook, CEO of Apple.
* Sundar Pichai, Google
* Jeff Bezos, Amazon
So on…..

Daily – 7parts (Audio / Video) on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format.

Spiritual 365 - Audio | Video

Spiritual Leaders Messages – 1 Series for 2 Weeks.. like that 365 days.

* Gautama Buddha
* Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
* Swami Vivekananda
* Osho
So on…

Daily – 7parts (Audio / Video) on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format.

Motivational 365 - Audio | Video

Top Motivational Speakers Messages (Ex: Tony Robbins, Brian tracy, etc) – 1 Series for 2 Weeks.. like that 365 days.

* Tony Robbins, American author
* Brian Tracy, Canadian-American speaker
* Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur
* Priya kumar, author of 12 books
So on…..

Daily – 7parts (Audio / Video) on WhatsApp, starting from 6 AM to 8 PM. 

Message Format – Text + (Audio or Video)

Video Format – You get elaborated Picturized vision format



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9 PM Mind Mechanic 24×7 Practice – 1 year Access (Daily 18 mins) [Worth ₹4999/-]


Live Peaceful Life (Remove Negatives things from childhood till now & build new you 2.0) – 21 Days Challenge [Worth ₹9999/-]


Money Manifestation Secrets – 21 Days Challenge [Worth ₹9999/-]


LMS Teachable Access for recordings [Worth ₹3599/-]


VIP WhatsApp Group [Worth ₹999/-]

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What's Special
  1. 2 – 1-to-1 Call
  2. All 6 Problem & 1-to-1 Session Recordings in LMS
  3. Weekly Inner Circle Call
  4. VIP Community WhatsApp Group.

Books Implementation Challenge - AUDIO Books

Worth ₹80,000 @ Just ₹19,887

Read365 Diamond

What's Special
  1. 4 – 1-to-1 Call
  2. All 6 Problem & 1-to-1 Session Recordings in LMS
  3. Weekly Inner Circle Call
  4. VIP Community WhatsApp Group.

Read365 - VIDEO Books

Worth ₹1,99,999 @ Just ₹99,999

Note: Only Limited Seats available for December Month Slot

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Founder — Read365Books, Mind Mechanic 24×7, BusinessSalesMachine, MyLifeFreedom

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He has worked with many mentors over the last 9 years who made him realize the importance of having someone to guide you towards the fulfillment of your life’s purpose and give you clarity and consistent advice for the right action.

He Introduced the Read 365 Books WhatsApp platform to help you to come out of your personal and professional struggles and transform your lives.

Millionaire Magesh With His Mentors

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